My sweet babies-
You have celebrated your first month "birthday" at home! And ok, as I write this you are actually four and a
half months old.
Those extra two weeks should be a pretty good indicator of how much fun I'm having with you here - I have no time for silly things like the internet!
Audrey, my Sassy, you are such a fun baby. You weigh 7 pounds, 7 ounces and are 19 inches long. You've become so alert and interactive. You love sing-a-longs with Mom and the spinning mobile on your swing and, above all, your daddy. You have all these loud opinions and you let everyone know them. I swear, you have more personality in that tiny body than some full grown people I know.
Grayson, you are probably the easiest baby in the whole world. You sleep and you eat and you snuggle.
The snuggling is my favorite. When you are awake you still have that super serious way about you and I wouldn't be one bit surprised if your first words are to tell us all the meaning of life. You weigh 8 pounds, 2 ounces (EIGHT POUNDS!) and are 19 and three-quarters inches long.
Being your Mama has always been amazing but being your Mama full-time is absolutely the most fufilling thing I've ever done. I look at your little faces and I am filled with so much emotion that I feel my ribs could just crack from it. I love being your mama, I love having you home, and most of all,
I love the two of you.
To the moon and back-
Your Mama