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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Give Peas a Chance

See that nasty green goop? That's home-made pea puree. Pretty gross, huh? Although not near as gross as jarred pea puree... that stuff is more of a pukey green than that lovely bright green there.

Confession: I don't really like peas.

It seems that peas are the standard go-to for the first green veggie though, so peas it was for our second choice puree.

Apparently the babies agree with me. Hopefully the "offer five times before they accept it" rule is true! (Sidenote: how does Audrey get SO MUCH MESSIER than Grayson? Crazy girl.)


  1. lol I love their reactions! (I hate peas too, but yours look lovely at least ;)

  2. Omgosh I got such a kick out of their faces! The first one of Grayson is my favorite. Maybe they will give them a chance next time... Peas aren't so bad! :)


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