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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

There's No Place Like It

The H word.

Nurses don't just throw that word around. Doctors hardly ever say it. It's never been said to us before.

Until today.

"We weaned Grayson's flow a to 2.5 today," the respitory therapist told us. "Once we can get him down to one we can start talking about sending him home."



Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness!!! This is actually gonna happen, yall. I've always thought in "ifs" and not "whens", and most of the time I've been too scared to think about anything further than the next five minutes with my babies. But it looks like it is actually going to happen. These tiny babies in the plastic boxes are going to be coming home with me!

It makes me cry. And laugh. And panic a little. I have a nursery to finish! (And by finish I mean start. Did I say OH MY GOODNESS?!?)

(And PS - They're not talking about tomorrow, of course. We still have other milestones to meet. But it's in the not-so-distant future!)

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