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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So What Wednesday!

I'm linking up with Shannon at Life After I "Dew" for my very first So What Wednesday!

This week I'm saying "So What!" if...

-My New Year's resolution was to blog more. Eleven days in and I've only got 2 posts down (um, including this one). Oops. In my defense, my mom has been visiting since right after Christmas, so we've been busy hanging out with her!

-Sometimes, when we are particularly fussy and I've tried everything (EVERYTHING) I can, I just sit with them and let them cry. And take pictures to text to my husband with captions like "We miss you daddy!" and "Don't you wish you were here?"

-We had our 6 month post-discharge appointment with the NICU clinic and I teared up a little bit when they told us we wouldn't have to go there anymore. It was such a big step and I'm more than a little sad to leave the people who have seen us since the babies were their teeny tiniest. I am still (and forever will be) so so SO indebted to them.

-I accidentally spoiled the ending of last week's Greys Anatomy for about 67% of my facebook friends. Sorry yall.

-Maybe (and I will only concede to a maybe) its time to retire the vibrating chair.

What are YOU saying "So What!" to this week?

1 comment:

  1. I have learned to just stay off of FB and Twitter if I've missed a show! Spoilers galore! :)


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